화요일, 2월 02, 2010

Nokia N900 can running Mac OSX 10.3.x by PearPC

Nokia N900 can running Mac OSX 10.3 by PearPC

Mac OS X 10.3 Installed On Nokia N900 Because It's Possible
Source: http://thenokiablog.com/2010/01/31/mac-os-x-nokia-n900/

Finnish geek Toni Nikkanen(http://www.tuug.fi/~toni/serendipity/index.php?/archives/13-Mac-OS-X-10.3-running-on-the-N900%21.html) shared on video that it’s possible to put Mac OS X 10.3 on the Nokia N900(http://thenokiablog.com/2009/11/13/nokia-n900-review/), although uselessly slow. It took 2 hours to boot up! I don’t know about you, but I’m not patient enough to use an old OS not built for a mobile device. Nevertheless, the project was just for fun to claim the title of making the N900 the first smartphone ever to run a full version of OS X.

Damn, great!


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