토요일, 9월 20, 2008

Open Project (updated on February.02.2010)

앞으로 공개하는 프로젝트는 여기에 공개를 하겠음...

:: GEDK is a library of functions to support Irrlicht 3D Engine.
Features(TODO list):
- Camera (First/Third persion)
- Model (MD2, HL1, CS, B3D, MS3D)
- Network (RakNet?)
- Sound (OpenAL, Audiere)
- Physics (Bullet Physics)
- Map
- Effect (Particle system, HLSL, GLSL)

:: cvTest01 is a test code of OpenCV and MCI library to support Computer Vision and Multimedia.
Features(TODO list):
- n/a

:: ATP1 is an image processing application to support write a code with Gtk+ 2.x and CxImage in GNU/Linux.
Features(TODO list):
- Gtk+ 2.x Image Processing
- CxImage Image Processing
- Effect:
--- Image scaling and rotation
--- Splendid, Brightness, Gray scale
--- Mosaic
--- Draw Text
--- Composite with gif frame
--- ...

:: ATP2 is an image processing iPhone application to support write a code with Objective-C in Mac OS X.
Features(TODO list):
- Resize, Rotation
- how to use Slider, Button, Message Box, Touch on screen

:: VideoNaena is an easy to watch the movie and get FLV/MP4 file from some UCC site.
NOTE: Distribute binary file only now.
Supports Watch the video and get FLV/MP4 file:
- DAUM: http://www.daum.net/
- Cyworld: http://www.cyworld.com/
- YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/
- PandoraTV: http://www.pandora.tv/
- Naver Video: http://www.naver.com/
- LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/

:: ATPlab is my tentative work laboratory.
There's no fixed features, no fixed subject.
If i have an interests something, its my tentative subject.
 - 1. Comparison: Compare source with destination
 - 2. z4: Split line
 - 3. actx_pack: ActiveX Archiving MS-DOS Batch Script


금요일, 9월 19, 2008

How to inatall iPhone SDK to Mac OS X 10.5.3 below (10.5.2, or...)?

How to inatall iPhone SDK to Mac OS X 10.5.3 below (10.5.2, or...)?

Source: http://www.insanelymac.com/lofiversion/index.php/t96394.html

Can I use iPhone SDK on a PC with hacked Tiger (10.5.2)?

I made a fair bit of progress getting the FINAL SDK to run on a 10.5.2 Leopard box. Here's what I did:
1) Install the Iphone_SDK_Final DMG file. It won't let you install the Iphone parts; no worries.
2) Open the Packages folder on the DMG and install all the packages labeled IPHONE and "DeveloperDiskImage".
3) These packages will install into /Platforms, but we need them in /Developer/Platforms. Use Finder, Terminal, whatever, to move these files over.
4) Voila -- You should at least have a working Iphone Simulator. You'll be able to write code and run it on your PC.

아나... 이렇게 쉬울수가... -_-;
설치는 개별적으로 했었는데, XCode 에서 안보이더라구...

그래서 아... 10.5.2 까지는 안되는 구나... 라고 생각하며...
10.5.3 으로 patch 하려고 했으나 잘못했다간,,, 다시 하루 이틀을 날새며 Mac OS X 10.5.2 나 10.5.3 을 설치를 해야 하는 부담감에... 그냥 잠시 접어 두었다...

그런데,,, 오늘... 씨~ directory 만 변경해서 move 하면 되는 거였잖아...
헤헤... ^___^
어찌되었건, 내 Desktop PC 에서 iPhone Emulator 를 띄워 테스트를 해보았다.
요거 재미있네? ㅎㅎ
