Show or Hide Panel layout on SurfaceView such as MediaController layout
// NOTE: You have to simple layout that
// LinearLayout_MyPanel(layout_width="fill_parent", layout_height="50dp", ...) or whatever
// in order to applying below code.
// Show Panel layout on SurfaceView
private boolean ShowMyPanel(boolean isRunnable) {
Log.d( "FUNC", "ShowMyPanel()" );
boolean ret = true;
android.widget.LinearLayout rl = (android.widget.LinearLayout)findViewById( );
if( rl.getVisibility() != rl.VISIBLE ) {
if( isRunnable )
return false;
rl.setVisibility( 0 );
ret = true;
Log.d( "LOG", "Show" );
else {
rl.setVisibility( 4 );
ret = false;
Log.d( "LOG", "Hidden" );
return ret;
// SurfaceView Touch Event
// Show or Hide the Panel layout on SurfaceView after 3 seconds
View.OnClickListener surfaceViewListener = new View.OnClickListener() {
Handler handlerMyPanel = null;
public void onClick(View v) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//Toast.makeText( myClass.this, "SurfaceView...", Toast.LENGTH_LONG ).show();
Log.d( "LOG", "SurfaceView Touch Event" );
android.widget.LinearLayout rl = (android.widget.LinearLayout)findViewById( );
if( rl.getVisibility() != rl.VISIBLE )
rl.setVisibility( 0 );
rl.setVisibility( 4 );
if( !ShowMyPanel(false) )
if( handlerMyPanel != null ) {
Log.d( "LOG", "handlerMyPanel != null" );
handlerMyPanel.removeCallbacksAndMessages( null );
handlerMyPanel = null;
handlerMyPanel = new Handler();
handlerMyPanel.postDelayed( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Log.d( "RUNNABLE", "MyPanel start" );
Log.d( "THREAD", "MyPanel finish" );
}, 3000
m_SurfaceView.setOnClickListener( surfaceViewListener );
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