일요일, 3월 07, 2010

Android Troubleshooting

Android Troubleshooting

Q: "Error generating final archive: Debug certificate expired on ..."
Source: http://www.mail-archive.com/android-beginners@googlegroups.com/msg14319.html

Go to "C:/Documents and Settings//.android" OR
"C:/Documents and Settings//Local Settings/Application Data/Android" and
delete debug.keystore file.
Recompile the proj and the error is gone !!

Android Troubleshooting
Source: http://developer.android.com/guide/appendix/faq/troubleshooting.html

Q: "Please execute 'adb uninstall com.android.myProject' in a shell."
To resolve the issue, you need to fully uninstall the preinstalled and then reinstall it using the adb tool. Here's how to do that:
   1. In a terminal, change to the tools directory of the SDK.
   2. If no emulator instance is running, start an emulator using using the command emulator &.
   3. Uninstall the preinstalled app using the command adb uninstall com.android.samples.
   4. Reinstall the app using the command adb install . If you are working in Eclipse/ADT, you can just compile and run the app in the normal way.
c:/android/sdk/tools> adb uninstall com.android.myProject

Q: "Can't run Emulator (AVD)."
A: if your username is non-english then you have to move your AVD to other directory like this.
C:/Documents and Settings/(_한글_username_)/.android/avd> Android move avd -n avdTest -p C:/android/AVD/avdTest
AVD 'avdTest' moved.
I've faced that problems in my old source tree, but resolved...


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