토요일, 3월 28, 2009

set remote access for mysql

// 잊어버릴까봐 적어둔다.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Identical to above...

To change the password(for root or any user)...

on Linux machine..

[ushastry@mmkserv test]#mysqladmin -uUserName -pOldPassword 'NewPassword'

///remote host is not allowed to connect to this mysql server

{From DOCS}
If the following error occurs when you try to connect from a host other than the one on which the MySQL server is running, it means that there is no row in the user table with a Host value that matches the client host:

Host ... is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

You can fix this by setting up an account for the combination of client hostname and username that you are using when trying to connect.

If you do not know the IP number or hostname of the machine from which you are connecting, you should put a row with '%' as the Host column value in the user table. After trying to connect from the client machine, use a SELECT USER() query to see how you really did connect. (Then change the '%' in the user table row to the actual hostname that shows up in the log. Otherwise, your system is left insecure because it allows connections from any host for the given username.)

Login to MySQL Server(host on which MySQL Server is running)

[root@mmkserv test]# mysql -usqladmin -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 4.0.20-log

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'EdwardPeter'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.14 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.16 sec)

mysql> \q

From windows machine...

C:\mysql\bin\>mysql -hhostname -uEdwardPeter -p123
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Take the server out of rotation because you cannot hot-patch any file
and drain all requests to it. Then feel free to:

kill any remaining dllhost.exe which stubbornly remains

You may want to restart any of your services (W3SVC) that have user
applications using user code in dllhost.exe.
Yeah just stopping COMSYSAPP didn't work. Here's what I'm doing next.
Seems to work although seems a litle extreme:

for /F "tokens=2" %i in ('tasklist /M [name of my dll] /FO TABLE /NH')
do taskkill /F /PID %i

It will only kill the dllhosts.exe that are using my dll. So far I
haven't seem any instability from doing this. The next time the dll is
needed seems a new dllhost.exe is fired up.

tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq dllhost.exe" /M
dllhost /ProcessID:{94195E79-EBA1-4EA6-BA92-901A1491D1A2}


일요일, 3월 22, 2009

일기 (2009.03.21)

아... 오늘 비는 내렸지만, 기분은 참 좋은 하루였다.
형진, 정훈, 류선미, 김신실 그리고 나, 이렇게 다섯이서 "Gran Torino" 라는 영화를 압구정 CGV 에서 감상했다. 영화가 끝난 후 압구정 역 근처 "사보텐" 에서 저녁을 먹고 근처 Bar 에서 가볍에 한 잔씩 했다.

그런데 분위기나 너무 조용하고 사람도 없고 해서 다시 압구정 로데오 근처로 이동을 해서 "Crazy W.C" Bar 에 갔다. 다행히 오늘도 쇼를 많이 했다.잘 못마시는 술이지만, 칵테일, 무알콜 칵테일, 맥주, 칵테일 한 잔 더...

이렇게 많이 마셨다. 다 섯명이 모이니 여러가지 얘기들이 나왔는데 역시나 사람 사는 얘기가 참 듣기 좋았다. "Crazy W.C" Bar 에 바텐더인 귀엽고 상큼한 "Michelle"(nick) 과의 대화도 재미있었고, 특히나 우리가 선택한(?) 미셸이 게임에서 너무 아깝게 졌지만, 우리를 위해 원래는 세 잔 이었던 cocktail 을 다섯 잔을 만들어서 주어서 참 예뻤다. ^^ 맛있었는데 이름은 잘 모르겠다.

이대로 헤어지긴 아쉬워서 다른 곳을 가자고 제안을 했다. 다시 술집으로 향했다. "그림분식" 집을 조금 지나서 오른쪽에 "해신" 이라는 일식 술집이 있어서 그곳으로 향했다.

일본술은 처음이었던 것 같다. 역시나 이름은 잘 모르지만, 깔끔하면서도 끝이 술을 잘 못마시는 나에게도 좋은 향기를 주어서 다음에 다시 한 잔 더 마시고 싶다는 생각이 들었다. 사케와 오뎅국을 먹으면서 서로 여행을 다녀온 얘기 들을 했는데, 귀와 입이 너무 즐거웠다. 당장 이라도 여행을 가고 싶은 그런 느낌... ^^ 오랜만에 만나서 제법 많은 애기들을 하다 보니 나에겐 꽤 신선했다.

사실 오후 5시 40분에 만나서 영화를 보고 저녁을 먹고 술자리를 갖다보니 헤어질 무렵이 새벽 3시가 되었다. 회사에서 회식때를 빼고는 이렇게 친구들과 술자리를 오래 해본 경험이 없었는데, 웬지 모르게 내 자신이 그걸 즐기는 걸 보고 신기했다.

술자리를 싫어하는 내가 서로 마음이 통하고 정이 있는 학교 친구들이다 보니 내 마음이 많이 편했었나 보다. 아마 회사였다면 자리는 끝까지 지켰을지 몰라도 많이 피곤하고 기분도 별로 였을 것이다.

여튼, 오늘 기분이 참 좋다. 앞으로 더 많은 친구들과 이런 자리를 가끔씩 만들어가면 좋겠다는 생각이다.


목요일, 3월 12, 2009

iDeneb Mac OS X 10.5.5 VMware 에서 해상도 설정 (Resolution)

iDeneb Mac OS X 10.5.5 VMware 에서 해상도 설정 (Resolution)


해킨 에서 해상도 설정하기

해킨(iDeneb 10.5.5)을 VMWare에 설치 해서 그런지, 해상도가 1280*1024로 고정되어 있네요. 변경하려니 이상하게도 해상도 선택하는데에서 1280*1024 하나만 달랑 있더군요;;;

구글님한테 물어보면서 다닌 결과 방법이 있었습니다.

Last login: Fri Jan 30 16:08:38 on ttys000
users-vmware-virtual-platform:~ user$ su
sh-3.2# cd /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/
sh-3.2# vi com.apple.Boot.plist

와 같이 한 뒤

(?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8")
(!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd")
(plist version="1.0")
(key) Graphics Mode (/key)
(string) 1024x768x32 (/string)
(key) Kernel (/key)

위의 "1024x768x32" 부분을 변경하면 됩니다.

잊어 버릴까봐 적어 둔다.


Darwin Boot Options


Darwin Boot Options

when you boot your hackintosh you can press "F8" before you see the gray apple boot screen.

then you should see a menu with all the partitions you have, at this time you may choose between the partitions using up/down arrows (it defines what partition to load from).

another thing you can do at this boot prompt is to specify boot options.
note that the last line says: "boot:" this is your prompt, you may write one of the next options:

[Kernel Name]

[Kernel Flags]

[Boot Flags]

"Graphics Mode"=


[UnKnown flags]

Kernel Name this boot option state what kernel to use in order to load the system, for instance you may use mach_kernel or any other kernel you downloaded and want to try (new EFI supporting kernel or new version of kernel), the kernel must be in folder "/"

Kernel Flags you can enter kernel flags that should be used during this boot time, kernel flags examples: debug=0x144 io=0xffffffff (not so sure what these guys do, but read more on kernel)

-s mean you would like to enter "Single User" mode which doesn't load GUI and doesn't mount partitions but gives you a prompt so you can make system maintenance and recovery procedures.

-v loads the system in Verbose mode which display allot of log lines during boot time and does not display the apple gray boot screen, it is good to use this option if things go wrong, or if you get an error screen and you want to know the reason.

-f tells the hackintosh to reload all kext (Kernel Extensions = drivers) and dump the cache, not rely on it (kext cache found in: /System/Library/Extensions.mkext, you can delete it manually and the system will recreate it)

the kext cache is built of the necessary kext that needs to be loaded and it will be created whenever it does not exist.
you can use a command line utility (from terminal) named: "mkextunpack" to extract the content and see what kext are cached for example the command:

mkextunpack -d /111 /System/Library/Extensions.mkext

will extract the content to a folder (that must exist before runing this command) /111
you can also use the command line utility "kextcache" to create or update kextcache.

-x this option boot the system into safe mode ignoring kext cache and loads only necessary kext

cpus= this parameter tells the hackintosh how many cpus to use, for instance if you have dual CPU or dual Core then you can state cpus=2, so the system will use both cpus, and if you get reboot without loading GUI or boot screen then you may use cpus=1 to allow use of one cpu and avoid reboot

"Graphics Mode"= this parameter tells the hackintosh to use stated graphics resolution and color depth, the pattern to use is: WidthxHeightxDepth@RefreshRate for instance a resolution of 640x480 with 32 bit color depth and 60 hertz frequancy refresh rate will look like this:

"Graphics Mode"="640x480x32@60"

rd= this parameter state what is the boot disk to use (instead of using the boot menu appearing before the prompt) you state the drive and partition in the pattern: diskXsY where X stands for the disk number (first disk (usually primary master in IDE) 0 second disk is 1 etc.) and Y stands for the partition on that disk starting with 1 as the first partition, so if you have one disk and one partition the parameter will look like this: rd=disk0s1

config= this parameter tells the system to load using different copy of the boot config file, the default copy used is kept in:


the content of this file state boot options such as:
timeout (how much time to wait for user selection in boot prompt)
kernel (what kernel to use)
kernel flags (what kernel flags to use in each and every boot)
quiet boot (weather to display boot menu or not)
boot graphics (if to boot with apple spinning circle)

platform= this parameter sets the platform to use at this boot time, you may use:
platform=ACPI (ACPI support)
platform=X86PC (non ACPI support)
platform=ACPI|86PC (try to support ACPI if fails do not support it)

idlehalt gets two values ether 1 or 0 stating true or false, if set to true then at idle time the cpu will halt causing power saving and cooling of CPU, if set to 0 then the cpu will allways run even in idle time.

-legacy causes the system to load in 32 bit mode while running on 64 bit systems

?memory this info screen display information about the memory on the machine

?video this info screen display information about the video card supported graphic modes

at 02:15
Labels: apple, boot options, darwin, hackintosh, leopard, mac

Fabrizio said...

Hi, my name is Fabrizio (Fab is enough)I'm writiting from italy. I've found this post via google and I wonder if you can help me. I've installed a kalyway dvd on a Acer notebook, Centrino 1.6, raw installation, whole disk. After some up and down the installation went fine and now is working. Tried on the same machine in Virtualbox, ubuntu&Xp, darwin won't boot cause PAE is not supported. Ok, triede WMware - same output. Even If I enable WMware for PAE. Do you know if it is possible to disable PAE at boot in darwin? Tnx for any help. You can find me at fabriziodotbuatgmaildotcom
Greetings from Italy
07 March, 2008 16:30
shay.bc said...

Fabrizio hi,

i don't have such problem, but i did some digging for you,

first let me ask this: if the disk image installation succeeded why would you like to install OS X as a vmWare or virtual box? it will be so slow (i tried it my self its like watching the stars move - very very slow)

but if you want to try it any way and the gray apple screen is crashing, then first thing to do is to use -v in the boot prompt and send the log you see,

the only thing i can see on the web related to vmware and PAE is this:

in the file: XXX.vmx write the parameter: paevm= "TRUE" to enable PAE and paevm= "FALSE" to disable it.

the (XXX.vmx on windows and XXX.cfg on linux) file should be in the folder where you decided to install the OS X VM , you can download a bootable copy of tiger in vmware here:
http://thepiratebay.org/tor/3985375/VMware_bootable_Apple_OSX (instructions included)

also check this post:
http://www.vmware.com/support/reference/common/pae_guest.html to understand how PAE is regarded in vmware

lastly this is a url that can generate your vmx file using GUI parameters you choose, then copy and paste into the vmx file (overwrite it)


if you succeed or fail please send the news i will try find more info and post it here.
08 March, 2008 12:51
Fabrizio said...

many things to test, it will take some time but I'll let you know.
About the reason why: I have to use windows on my noebook, for the time being i feel more confident in trying to carry along OSX in a box :) than the other way round. However, I've been told that stars actually move. :)
Thanks again.
08 March, 2008 15:35
shay.bc said...

hi Fab,

please note that there is a possibility to dual boot and choose at boot time between windows (vista/xp whatever) to os x (tiger/leopard).

i will add a post covering this issue.

Have Fun.
08 March, 2008 16:09
Faisal said...

I have this strange problem
I installed leopard on a hardisk other than the main HDD which has xp installed
The insatllation went smoothly
but now niether does xp start nor does OSX
theres only this white screen with apple logo and it gets stuck
when I type -s i get this message that the firewire is not function 7 system is getting full secrue???
please help
09 March, 2008 20:41
shay.bc said...

hi faisal,

first of all do you see any boot options? such as Leopard/XP like in this post?

second try -v for verbose and try taking a picture or simply write the lines (some of it), try to find lines with the words: Exception, Error or Panic
and write them here i will try to help, also write what computer and hardware do you use.

next the line you talk about the FireWire does it looks like this:
" ERROR: FireWire unable to determine security-mode; defaulting to full-secure." if so then disregard it, it only means no security setup for the firewire so it is setting it to default (which is full security).

also please state that once you get past the error about the FireWire do you get any prompt? can you press enter or any key and get echo?

if so then Single mode is running and that is good news. in this case try this:
/sbin/fsck -fy

press enter and then the system should write:

** The volume XXX appears to be OK



if it is the second option then do it again (the fsck command) until you get the first line saying it is ok

then write:
/sbin/mount - uw /

this should mount your file system and allow you to perform some tests in order to understand what is wrong and why the system is not booting.

now, if you can't single boot and can't understand (or send) data regarding the error then try re-installing and in the last screen (customize) choose only these options: (taken from iAtkos)
- Main System
- EFI Emulation
- Remove CPUPowerManagement
- Remove Thermal kext
- AppleSMBiosKext

thats it! don't add anything else especially not video screen or network kext.

if system boots then you can start searching for appropriate kext for your system.

regarding the XP, if you want to boot back from it try this:
from single mode or from install dvd (terminal) write:

fdisk -e /dev/rdiskX
where X stands for your hard disk number (first one is 0 second is 1 etc.)

then in the fdisk utility use ? for list of commands
write p (short for print) and press enter then it will display a table of disks and partitions, if your XP reside on first HD on first partition do this:
f X
where X stands for the XP partition probably 1
then it should look like this:
f 1
and press enter, then write
u (short for update)
and press enter
then write:
w (short for write)
then press enter
lastly press q (quit)
then restart and XP should be bootable again.
so as summary then the commands should look like this:

boot single mode (after restart press F8, at the prompt write -s and press enter)
/usr/sbin/fdisk -e /dev/rdisk0
f 1

tell me how it goes.
Hope this helps
09 March, 2008 23:25
Arjun said...

Hi, Great post i must say. But dude need some help here. Am a SAP beginner. So I've a windows 2003 server installed on a 10 gb partition and windows XP installed on 40 gb partition. I've left around 50 gb for Leopard. I downloaded the kalyway iso.

The problem is that i can't risk installing leopard (with 2003 server and xp already installed) if i can't boot back to the window OS's. I've been digging quite a bit and skimming thru insanelymac forums.

I found this http://www.digwin.com/view/dual-boot-osx-leopard-or-tiger-with-vistaxp-on-your-regular-intelamd-pc . but am not sure how to go about it.

is there any fairly easier or detailed ( tough ) guides i cud use. I had jas 10.4.1 earlier. well that was long back. That time what i used to do was, Boot from a live ubuntu cd and goto the Root terminal. And give the commands : fdisk /dev/hda
and then type pfor the partitions list . and then select the booting partition. I used to hit F8 then before the grey screen and it showed all the booting partitions.

But now, in leopard installation and dual booting, i never came across this stratergy to dual boot xp and leopard.

Pls help dude.. !!
18 March, 2008 22:11
shay.bc said...

hi arjun,

ok, it is very much possible to dual boot and triple boot leopard with windows, ubuntu etc. i did it my self, its not hard at all,

the main idea is that windows will be installed first and on a different partition or different hard-drive,

after leopard is installed, its partition will be marked as active, so you can boot from leopard but not from other OS that was installed before, they appear on the menu but can't boot them,

after leopard boots and everything is working you can go back to fdisk and flag the windows partition as bootable

next you will need to fix the windows using windows install CD, and then windows will be bootable again,

now its time to get leopard back, from fdisk flag the leopard partition again and its bootable

after doing this you will be able to choose from the darwin menu to boot from windows or leopard,

there are many guides for dual booting, i will create one this weekend, you could check back and see all the relative screenshots,

any way if you want other guides and other methods, here are the links:






nice video displaying triple boot:
18 March, 2008 23:10
Rodrigo S. "boi" said...

Hi, i'm trying to install mac-os leopard, the hackintosh version, i'm havin problens with the fire-wire, He said that neet do put-it to full-secure mode, and after it he return an error, and said that is waiting for a root device.

i dont now what to do...i'll thanks a loot if you can help me
28 March, 2008 21:59
shay.bc said...

hi rodrigo,

you can ignore the firewire line it is not the problem (just a warning),

but regarding the "waiting for a root device" line can you describe in what stage of the installation did you get it? (after the success screen and reboot?) did you install darwin and do the fdisk thing?

if so please send an exact copy of the text you gen on the hackintosh screen.

also send details on the hardware you use (this message usually comes up when no SATA/IDE drive is detected)

also describe how did you format the partition (disk util, journald...)

if you didn't even started the install and see this message then put both HD and DVD on the same IDE controller (primary) where HD is master and DVD is slave and you will be able to install, the procedure will be very slow though, but after the installation everything should work fast.

hope it helps
29 March, 2008 00:46
Parth nanavati said...


my name is PARTH, i've installed
iAKTOS V1.0iR2, it does not have darwin boot in utility.

after installation is does not boot at all and keep re booting as show in this vdo by someody else..


can you please help me
28 April, 2008 15:59
Fabrizio said...

Hi everybody.
I'm a little out of the matter right now (by the way, i have a PAE enabled CPU now) but it seems to me to remember I had the same problem using (via kalyway) a vanilla kernel on a non SS3 CPU (ie a non intel - core) I hade to go for a customized (re)installation removing the default vanilla kernel selection. Thet did the magic for me, hope willdo for you as well.
Have fun...
28 April, 2008 16:34
shay.hackintosh said...

hi Parth,
sorry for the late reply,
did you try the first aid steps?
they are:
1. checking the BIOS setup (see this post)
2. in the darwin prompt (after pressing F8) write: cpus=1 -v -x -f
3. goto the HCL and make sure that your hardware is supported.

let me know if the problem is solved or remains.

29 April, 2008 23:49
shay.hackintosh said...

hi parth,

i missed the part where you say you don't have darwin boot loader but using the iatkos r2, then in customize (where you select the features to be installed) you should have the "x86 Darwin Bootloader" - select it!!!

also here are some more ideas:
1. try to install the leopard without the EFI.

2. try reinstalling with as minimum options you can (please see my post "Install Leopard")

3. write in the darwin prompt rd=diskXsY (where X is the number of the leopard drive starting from 0 and Y is the number of Leopard partition starting from 1 example: rd=disk0s1)

4. make sure (from windows) you have at least SSE2 using the CPUz utility

hope this helps,
30 April, 2008 00:17
Daniel said...

Thank you for writing these guides, they have been very useful so far.

I have a question for you: I am only able to boot into Leo if I use -f.
Is there anything I can do so as to not need to do this each time.

Thank you very, very much in advance

29 August, 2008 02:11
shay.hackintosh said...

hi daniel,

first of i think you should automate the swich so you will not need to manually write it every time, see how to do that at this post

second, you need to specify what output do you get at the console (using the -v option in the darwin boot prompt) when you don't use the -f option, then i can suggest how to solved it.
the -f option reset the cached kext (drivers), so probably for some reason your hardware is changing from boot to boot (maybe you are using external USB drive and it keeps changing its number),

hope it gives you a direction,

30 August, 2008 21:27
Daniel said...

Hi Shay
That worked perfectly, thank you so very much!
01 September, 2008 00:11
JL said...

hi.... greetings... JL here, hoping you can help me out. i've downloaded ideneb v1.1 - 10.5.4 from mininova...

my specs are:
- amd athlon 4400 dual core x2 64
- ide 40gig hard disk
- 64mb nvidia graphics card

first, i installed it without customizing, and i got an infinite reboot after the darwin bootup.

then, i erased again, then installed selecting all options in the customize installation. it now goes to the gray apple screen, but would end up with the error that i should press my power button, pc needs to shut down.

maybe you can help me out, on which options i should pick. just in case, you can see the ideneb in mininova. and also, what else i should've done.

thank you so much for your help in advance.
11 September, 2008 12:45
JL said...

by the way, here's my motherboard: http://www.msicomputer.com/product/p_spec.asp?model=K9N6SGM-V

JL. your help is very much appreciated and thank you so much :)
11 September, 2008 13:05
shay.hackintosh said...

hi JL,
sorry for not seeing thiscomment before, please use switch -v and write here the error you get
01 November, 2008 19:09
jrd8307 said...


I have a strange rebooting problem. That I have researched for hours and have not found an answer that I am hoping you can help me with.

Here is my info:

Using iDeneb 10.5.5

Averatec 2575 Laptop
4GB Memory
SATA Hard Drive

Loading Darwin/x86
Loading Kernel mach_kernel
Loading HFS+ file: [mach_kernel] from 42302f0
Loading HFS+ file: [mach_kernel] from 42302f0
LoadDrivers : Loeading from [/System/Library/Extensions.mkext]
Loading HFS+ file: [/System/Library/Extensions.mkext] from 42302f0
Loading HFS+ file: [/System/Library/Extensions.mkext] from 42302f0
Starting Darwin/x86

================================================== =====

After “Starting Darwin/x86” PC reboot immediately

I have tried different combinations of -V -X -S -F, CPUS=1, etc. still reboots immediately. Again thanks for any help and information in resolving this. God Bless
09 November, 2008 07:12
shay.hackintosh said...

hi jrd8307,
the only reason i can see for constatnt reboot is that the distribution you use (in your case iDeneb) does not support your hardware (board and/or CPU) so one solution is to use cpus=1 and hope that the double core is the problem and that will solve it, but as i can see you have already tried this solution without success, another thing you can do to avoid hackintosh constant reboot, or immidiate reboot, or reboot loop, is to try another distribution like kalyway or iAtkos or JAS, or Leo4all etc. (and then upgrade them to 10.5.5), see this post for distributions list:http://apple2pc.blogspot.com/2008/03/download-hackintosh-os-x-leopard.html

also try to inject another kernel into your installation DVD, that might solve it, link to inject guide: http://osx86.wikidot.com/how-to-s

14 November, 2008 08:31
Hatch said...

Hi Shay,

You have some excellent guides and technical information here, could you tell me is it yet possible to boot into MAC Osx from Darwin by default into a non-active partition?
It is a bug that occurs if you use the Vista boot loader for multi-boots:
02 December, 2008 11:54
aziz said...

i have a problem..

my proc T5500 always use cpus=1
how about fsb?

more info pls...
03 February, 2009 05:33
Stefan said...

Hi, i tried to install the iATKOS version, but it doesn't work. i get the grey background with apple logo and the "ring" turns around but nothing happens next, i waited for an hour...

i also tried with: -v -x -f -s cpus=1 and it stopped at one point:
MAC Framework successfully initialized using 18485 buffer headers and 4896 cluster IO buffer headers
Extension "com.apple.driver.ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin" has immediate dependencies on both com.apple.kernel and com.apple.kpi components; use only one style.

what does it means?
i'm happy if you could help me,
greatings from germany
18 February, 2009 18:36
chase said...

Thanks for the guides they have been helping a tremendous amount. However I have two reoccurring problems I would like to request help with.

Lately when attempting to install Os X (ideneb 10.5.5) my system has given me the still waiting on root device. Once rd=disk0 -v was entered this problem was bypassed. Now every time I can get past this issue the install hangs at this message:

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task

Mac OS version:
Not yet set

Kernel Version:(varies from distro i've tried both Leo4all and ideneb 1.3 and 10.5.5)

The other problem I've had and this one truly confuses me, though OS X will not install, I have and still can boot into OS X, when using Ideneb 10.5.5 the ide 100gb hdd I've been using to install shows up as the OS X drive, and most everything functions; only laggly as if it was running as a "livecd". I have never been prompted to install OS X, not once have I been promoted to partition the hard drive, or install drivers. Any ideas?

Thank you,
24 February, 2009 05:27
Stefan said...

hello again,
i used a newer version of iDeneb and everything go right.
nevertheless thanks for the good forum and guides here.
02 March, 2009 09:54

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ohhh man...
great !!!



화요일, 3월 10, 2009

일기 (2009.03.10)

아침 출근때의 일이다.
방문을 나서고 밖을 나설 때의 일이다...
내 손에 뭔가 허전하다는 느낌이 들었다.

key 들을 방안에 두고 문을 모두 잠궈버린 것이다.

순간 난감했다.
안쪽에서 잠근 문을 나서고 나서 당당히 문을 닫았던 내 자신이 너무 싫었다.
너무도 냉정했다.

하지만 이미 때는 늦었다.
하루 전 보조키들을 만지작 거릴 때의 내 모습이 스쳐지나간다.

내 금같은 15,000원. 3일 점심 값이다.

문을 열려고 해볼 수 있는 방법은 모두 해보았다.
물론 문을 부수는 방법은 빼고...

하지만, 결국 key 전문점에 연락해서 문을 열수 있었다.
휴대용 장비 몇몇으로 20초도 안되는 시간에 몇 번 만지작 거리니 문이 열렸다.

내 인생의 가장 당황스런 시간이었다.
key 하나 때문에 아니, 나의 한 순간의 방심으로 내 눈 앞에서 15,000 원 이라는 돈이 순식간에 사라져 버린 것이다.

앞으로 two-job 으로 key 전문 engineering 을 배워야 할까보다.

내가 보기엔 너무나도 쉽게 돈을 버는 것 같았다.
오늘은 배가 너무 아프다...

결국... 15,000 원 이라는 돈으로 액땜을 했다고 나름 혼자서 합리화 했다.
부디 앞으로 좋은 일 들만 있기를...


아,,,나... 이왕 생각난거 다시 login 해서 또 하나 적는다...
전에는 말이지...

보일러를 분명히 끄고 잤던것 같은데,
아침에 씻고 나서 보니 보일러가 그때까지 켜져 있던거야.

나 왜이러니...
아~~~ 무지 짜증난다... 내 15,000 원...


금요일, 3월 06, 2009

e1000 NIC driver couldn't find in windows xp on vmware player

e1000 NIC driver couldn't find in windows xp on vmware player


이것 때문에 조금 짜증이 났었다.
Vmware player 2.5.0 에 Windows XP SP2 를 설치를 했는데, 네트워크 드라이버가 없어서 NIC 를 사용할 수가 없었다.
하지만, 아래와 같이 해당 vmware OS 이미지(나의 경우 Windows XP) 디렉터리로 이동 후 vmx(vmware configuration file) 파일을 열어 ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000" 에서 "e1000" 을 "vlance" 로 설정을 해주었더니 한번에 해결되었다.

* 주의: vmx 파일을 수정하기 전에 해당 guest OS 를 suspend 하지 말고 Power off and Exit 한다.

아래는 영어권 사용자를 위해 영문으로 작성 해놓는다.
1. open your guest OS's vmx file. (xxx.vmx)
2. replace "e1000" just by "vlance" like this
#ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000"
ethernet0.virtualDev = "vlance"

now, start your windows xp and then check your network.
